Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Green and Gray Herbs and a Madonna

A Madonna in Lichen
Monday and Tuesday were gray, dreary days around here. That kind of day can be depressing but I have learned a few tricks in helping me cope with dreary day associated depressions. One simple one is to stand outside and look up at the brightest point in the sky (don't do this unless it is cloudy!). Something about the natural light elevates our mood, and we get more of it staring up into the cloudy sky. A greenhouse works in the same way. It allows you to be out in the natural light even when the weather is really nasty. My other more serious and certain help for depression is a strong, certain, spiritual life and a caring community. And some members of that caring community don't mind propping me up or kicking my butt depending on the needed cure.

Anyway one of of those members prescribed a personal day on Monday, and I spent part of it in the garden and part of it roaming around a smallish town. Between the local park/playground and the local feed-store/hardware store is a cemetery and as I was traversing it I came across this figures. I was struck by the lichen beauty of the concrete Madonna. A gray/green piece of statuary can be an awesome thing.

Lavender in bloom

Later when I was in the garden I noticed my new lavender blooms and the same gray and green colors in the herbs. This is the first time I have had truly happy, blooming lavender. I will use some of it in my soap making I think. One of my co-gardeners planted the lemongrass. It grew into a huge green fountain with lemony sharp-edged leaves. Really easy and satisfying to grow. It is enough to make you learn to cook Thai food. The sage is settled into the corner of a smaller bed. It was dwarfed by a large pineapple sage but I have recently separated them.




1 comment:

  1. When I worked in the mental health field I kept this quote in my desk. "Whenever someone sorrows, I do not say, "forget it," or "it will pass," or "it could be worse" -- all of which deny the integrity of the painful experience. But I say, to the contrary, "It is worse than you may allow yourself to think. Delve into the depth. Stay with the feeling for a while. Think of it as a precious source of knowledge and guidance. Then and only then will you be ready to face it and be transformed in the process." ~ Peter Koestenbaum That takes a lot of courage. There's usually a painful but beautiful insight to be learned from what is causing the depression. I love you and I am glad you took a day for yourself. Sounds like there were several intentional gifts left for you to find during your day. =)
