Last week I bought a Schrade “Old
Timer”(muskrat w/brown bone) pocket knife. I have been wanting one
to keep in the F150. There are always times when I need a pocket
knife, and I get tired of borrowing someone else's. The Husband
generously gave me his Gerber Knife (fancy multi-function gadget with
a pair of pliers among other blades) when he upgraded to a new
Leatherman. I keep the Gerber Tool in the greenhouse at work. I
still have my Dad's Boy Scout knife with eating utensils and
everything else, but I don't use it much.

There were plenty of fun things at the
flea market too, like this little camera. I doubt that it works, but it
would make a fun display piece. The glider reminds me of fun times
in the past too. My dad would put them together and we would fly
them until the tail parts broke or someone stepped on it, whichever
came first. The polka dot hat just looked fun to wear. I would put
the top down on the Miata and wear one but I know it would blow off.
I finally purchased a jar of “Pickles
like Grandma's” (see previous flea market blog post) but haven't
opened them yet, but will report on them as soon as I do. The stock
was getting low and someone came in and bought several jars and human
nature being what it is, it made me decide I had better get mine
before they ran out. My other great find was several packages of
luffa sponges with little packets of luffa gourd seeds included.
There is no telling how old the seed is or if it will grow, but they
were extremely cheap and the sponges will be useful.
I bought three packages of dishcloths,
a jar of pickles, several pair of the scissors I like (they were
reduced to fifty-cents a pair, can't beat that), my luffas and a
Rival stick blender for $4. A spending spree, I hope I can get
myself under control! My real splurge this week was from Lowe's,
three lovely plum trees marked down. Two of the trees were regularly
$30 each and the other tree was regularly $20. They were marked for
clearance at $15, $15, and $10. The young man checking me out had a
lot of trouble with the clearance prices. I told him four different
times what the correct prices were and in the end he still charged me
just $10 each. His manager was there and he was apologizing
profusely for the slowness and I just didn't have the heart to
say “Hey you got it wrong” in front of his manager. Call me
weak, I did try to get it right, but I decided to just enjoy the
savings and let Lowe's get on with their evening. Ethical
dilemmas..they are everywhere. I decided to err on the side of
kindness toward the individual instead of concern for the
institution or my faultless reputation. Ha!
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